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Cellular Botanicals, / Dr. Morse's God's Herbs > 3 Lung Tea (Loose Blend )
3 Lung Tea  (Loose Blend )

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Price: $29.00
Availability: out of stock
Prod. Code: Lungtea 10oz.

This tea was created as a powerful detoxifier, strengthener and regenerator of the lung tissues. 

A Herbal Formula of:

  • Mullein Leaf 
  • Pleurisy Root 
  • Fenugreek Seed 

Traditional Uses:

Soothes inflammation and relieves pain, treatment of lung disease, coughs, consumption and hemorrhage of the respiratory organs.  Clears the lungs and relieves spasms.  Relieves lymphatic congestion in the chest/lung area.  Stimulates expectoration.  Softens and dissolves hardened masses of accumulated mucus, soothes mucous membranes in the lungs and GI tract and treats lung infections.

Cautions and Contraindications:

None known.