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Cellular Botanicals, / Dr. Morse's God's Herbs > GI Renew (Normal-1) Caps.
GI Renew (Normal-1)  Caps.

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Price: $32.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: GH12960

This herbal formula was created for inflammation, ulceration and deterioration of the gastro - intestinal tract. It helps to strengthen and rejuvenate the stomach and intestines. This formula has no moving power and is for those  who move their bowels too much or have 2  to 3 easy movement per day.

  • Slippery Elm Bark,
  • Marshmallow Root,
  • Wild Yam Root,
  • Mullein Leaf,
  • Chickweed Herb,
  • Gentian Root,
  • Plantain Leaf,
  • Fennel Seed.